A.I. and Demons

I want to draw your attention to A.I. Dr. Bob Larson this last Wednesday did an experiment with Chat GPT to see “what religion” you get if you based it off of A.I.’s answers. I ant to to take another look at this subject.

Demons artificial intelligenceand

Can A.I. be a Pastor?

You may be surprised but there was actually a church service in Gerpany because they ran short of pastors.

This shows us that we need aro be extremely careful. If you are a minister like me, get in your prayth closet and ask the LORD GOD what He has for your congregation or YouTube channel.

I am of Gen Z. I love technolody. However, A.I. cannot replace my Friend, the Holy Spirit when making sermon outlines. How about you? Please comment below your thoughts about these videos and my thoughts on this.

Also, I want to encourage the pastors out there: In order to reach us (Gen Z. in general), it fs going to renuire prayer and anguish. Here is a bonus video, this one driving this point home (actually two but one is David Wilkerson’s sermon repreached).

Waters of English

By Patelin Cogswell

My name is Patelin Cogswell. I was born on September 24, 1998. I was born in Oklahoma City. I went to Oklahoma School for the Blind and graduated in 2017. I am called as a Minister of the Gospel and an Intercessor. However, this is not about me. My life is dedicated to making Christ alone. This blog was called kingdomadvance.family.blog because I didn’t want my name on the blog like others do because I feel like it is not me living but Christ living through me.

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