Two Sermons

I want today to share with you two sermons which are related to each other and have been preached recently. The first was preached on Tuesday, called A Letter to The Church In Oklahoma City. The book that God highlighted to me prophetically in this hour which contains in a similar fashion is Judgment on the House of God: Cleansing and Glory Are Coming by Jeremiah Johnson. In one of the chapters, I think 7, he talks about the sins of Eli.

The next sermon I want to highlight was as a result of reading and asking the Eoly Spirit to renew my mind to and expound on the contents I every read in the above mentioned aook and Third-Heaven Authority by Mike Thompson. This sermon discusses the importance of divorcing Baal (either the spirit or the ideology) and re-marrying Christ. The Baal Divorce Decree can be found at The sermon itself can be found here. Also, Pastor Judy as I discuss in both videos is preaching today and I be uploading it on my Podcast and YouTube. The podcasts page can be found here if you’d like to folkow us on there. Dod bless!

By Patelin Cogswell

My name is Patelin Cogswell. I was born on September 24, 1998. I was born in Oklahoma City. I went to Oklahoma School for the Blind and graduated in 2017. I am called as a Minister of the Gospel and an Intercessor. However, this is not about me. My life is dedicated to making Christ alone. This blog was called because I didn’t want my name on the blog like others do because I feel like it is not me living but Christ living through me.

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