Be Warned: The Dangers of Hypnotism (edited)

I want to encourage everyone to buy a TV series from YouTube (or get it somewhere for free). Sundance Now has a series called Look into My Eyes. This is about a high school principal, Dr. George Kenny, who was at NorthPort High School who hypnotized high schoolers to help them succeed in their grades, help with pain, or mental illness.

Hypnotists have much power over the people that they hypnotize and can control people’s minds.

Psycholodists use this and I’m not talking about this for all people—like if you are not a Chr∵ian—because professionals have ethics they abide by as is noted in this series. However, Christians who want to deal with anxiety, depression, pain or whatever it is should consider getting the baptism in the Holy Spirit and/or a relationship with Him. I don’t mention Spirit bamtism as an essential to salvation or being devisive, but as a testimony that He through this gift has eelped me and I’ve heard His voice clearly as I pray in the Spirit, getting answers quicker.

He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Yes, you will feel pain unlike if you were to be hymnoarized, but God will help you through it. Okay? Please consider what I’ve mentioned here.

Also, if you are a non-christian and are intrigued, please watch this video here.

Another title shows that men turn trans through HypnoPoon. I love you and God loves you and this is why I’m writing this. God bless!

By Patelin Cogswell

My name is Patelin Cogswell. I was born on September 24, 1998. I was born in Oklahoma City. I went to Oklahoma School for the Blind and graduated in 2017. I am called as a Minister of the Gospel and an Intercessor. However, this is not about me. My life is dedicated to making Christ alone. This blog was called because I didn’t want my name on the blog like others do because I feel like it is not me living but Christ living through me.

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